You don’t have to be an IT sepecialist to offer your customers cyber access security. If you are interested in combining physical access with cyber access contol then please drop by the Allegion booth (#20031) at the ISC West show in Las Vegas for a live demo. ...
CAC – Cyber Security for the Business Owner Access Smart announces the release of their new CAC (Cyber Access Control) Magazine. CAC is an online magazine for business owners, professionals and any other non-techies who want to understand the threats, the risks and...
Salted Hash – The one-way encryption for password security. Ok, I’m not talking about that potato hash you love with your eggs. I am talking about the encryption hash that needs to be used to safeguard computer data files like passwords. A hash is an...
Why do you have to remember passwords? I am often amazed how the security industry concludes that passwords must be something the user knows, and that smart cards are the PKI tokens that the user has. Here at Access Smart, I challenge these beliefs with an enterprise...
Power LogOn® meets US Government’s FIPS 140-2 requirement for networks access control Government regulations mandate agencies to implement multi-factor authentication for secure network access control (NAC). User names and passwords are still the most...
NeMCMHA implements Access Smart’s Network Access Control Solutions Network access control solutions are needed more today than ever before because one of the key components in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the expansion of electronic health records (EHR)...