Using Biometrics to Improve Corporate Security

Network Access AuthenticationCorporate security is no longer about locks and keys to keep intruders out of an office or building. Biometrics identity and data security have become the treasure that needs to be guarded.

(Re-Posting from BIOMIDS – Biometric Identification and Security Solutions, Inc.)

According to our good partner Dovell Bonnett of Access Smart, two of the same rules apply when planning for any corporate security efforts whether it is physical, identity, devices, or data and applications.

  1. If security is inconvenient, employees will find ways to circumvent it.
  2. If security is too expensive, executives will question its need.

Unfortunately, the employees in many corporations are currently faced with increasing levels of inconvenience let alone complexity when expected to follow corporate security policies. Employees juggle double digit numbers of unique passwords required to do their job and run their personal life. The mandated strengthening or changing  of passwords every 60 days seems designed to forces those of us with normal memories to carry around  a written list of passwords. The Bring Your Own Device trends do seem to support employee preferences yet mobile device management and dual personalization of devices adds another layer of security management.

On the other hand, corporate executives faced with never ending cyber security threats are wondering if there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel.  More investments and internal security layers are being thrown at the problem yet the weakest link, the user, receives few direct benefits from these initiatives.  Today’s security efforts begin to look like a Rubik’s cube of options. Initially employees may try to work the puzzle and follow corporate policies until it becomes too frustrating.

Given these frustrations finding a better way to handle corporate security in a manner that works effectively for the user and the corporation is vital. Literally, looking at security from the user’s perspective can change everything. Biometrics does that. Allowing the user to authenticate with their iris, face, or voice improves and personalizes the user experience while enhancing corporate security policies. Eliminating the weakest link, the user, from the password process benefits everyone.

Working with Access Smart, BIOMIDS’ biometric offerings can replace username passwords across an enterprise to improve employee satisfaction and security audit compliance while saving money and IT resources. Adding biometrics improves ease of use, data and application security, adds flexibility, and provides a fast return on investment. Here are a few more benefits as outlined by Dovell Bonnett.

  • Ease of Use

    • Employees don’t have to know, remember, or type any of their company passwords
    • Employee authenticates to their own biometric that can’t be lost, forgotten, or stolen
    • Log into an application, account, network or site faster than ever.


  • Security

    • Multiple levels of security assurances become available
      • Between the Biometric and User (Something they have, know and are)
      •  Between the Biometric device and the Computer (Something they have, know and are)
      • Between the Biometric application and the Server (Challenge/Response)
      • Between User and Data (Access controls)
    • IT controls centralized password policies that are invisible to employees
    • Ties into Active Directory, Terminal Services, LDAP, etc.
    • Safeguards against shoulder surfers, keyloggers, phishing and pharming attacks
    • Biometrics (Fingerprint, iris, facial, voice), Challenge/Response


  • Low Cost of Ownership

    • ROI calculated in months or quarters
    • Low install and annual renewal or subscription fees

Biometrics becomes THE solution to many of the fastest growing corporate security concerns. Identifying the right biometric method to serve your corporate requirements is really the only discussion needed.


June 14, 2012