Cyber Access and Physical Access Demo at ISC West

You don’t have to be an IT sepecialist to offer your customers cyber access security. 

Cyber Access Control Single Sign-OnIf you are interested in combining physical access with cyber access contol then please drop by the Allegion booth (#20031) at the ISC West show in Las Vegas for a live demo.  Access Smart will be demonstrating a contactless Single Sign-On solution that works with Mifare, Prox of RFID technologies.  Employees will no longer have to remember, type, generate or know any company logon passwords.  Your IT administrator can now be in control and remove the weakest link in their security procedures, the employee managed password.

Here’s what you’ll see:

  1. Use the same aptiQ or prox card for contactless Single Sign-On (SSO) and physical access.
  2. Multi-factor authentication that meets the US Government’s security specifications.
  3. Licenses are transferable.  Builds on your existing IT architecture.  No annoying subscription fees.

Cyber security begins by authenticating who is accessing the network. Now you can offer your customers a one-card solution that secures a company’s physical and virtual doors. Drop by the Allegion booth #20031 to see how easy it is to combine physical and cyber access on the same card.