by Dovell Bonnett | Sep 12, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security, Password Authentication
McAfee recently revealed that 72 different organizations around the world have been victims of cyber-spying. With attacks likely to increase, it is important to note that strengthening your access controls ensures that you have a higher level of security for all those...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 31, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security
Unsafe Password Management Practices The result of poor password management and insecure systems is all too evident in the press lately with thousands of password breaches for Sony Playstation Network, Gawker media’s sites, and many others. The new...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 29, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security, Password Authentication
It is impossible to understate the importance of having and using strong, secure online passwords, both personally and for companies. As tools like Firesheep have shown, gaining access to an email or Facebook account can be alarmingly simple. One of the primary...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 26, 2011 | Cloud Security, Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, Data Security, Data Theft Prevention, Industrial Espionage
Recently McAffe published a worldwide hacking report about what they are calling Shady RAT. The United Nations, Olympic committees, governments, U.S. real estate company, a major media organization based in New York, a satellite communications company and other...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 8, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security
A Hewlett-Packard’s white paper “HP ProtectTools: Authentication technologies and suitability to task“, 06/2005, does a very good job discussing the different security technologies available (Passwords, Trusted Platform Module, smartcard USB token, biometric...
by Dovell Bonnett | Jul 29, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention
Recently, I was told of an incident where an employee of a fairly large company spotted a USB stick on the pavement in the parking garage. Concerned that it might be important information of a colleague, the employee picks up the stick and takes it back to his office....