by Dovell Bonnett | Oct 1, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security
Paraphrasing a line from Jessica Rabbit from the movie Roger Rabbit seems the appropriate comment from Geoffrey A. Fowler’s article “What’s a Company’s Biggest Security Risk? You.” Hence the headline: Employees Are Not Evil – They Are Just Drawn That Way. It is...
by Dovell Bonnett | Sep 12, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security, Password Authentication
McAfee recently revealed that 72 different organizations around the world have been victims of cyber-spying. With attacks likely to increase, it is important to note that strengthening your access controls ensures that you have a higher level of security for all those...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 31, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security
Unsafe Password Management Practices The result of poor password management and insecure systems is all too evident in the press lately with thousands of password breaches for Sony Playstation Network, Gawker media’s sites, and many others. The new...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 29, 2011 | Data Theft Prevention, Online Security, Password Authentication
It is impossible to understate the importance of having and using strong, secure online passwords, both personally and for companies. As tools like Firesheep have shown, gaining access to an email or Facebook account can be alarmingly simple. One of the primary...
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 24, 2011 | Online Security
Recently I have been reading about warnings of some nasty new online banking malware. Many of us do bank online and we trust our banks to be on top of security and safety issues. And to stay in business, this is something that they must do and they do it well....
by Dovell Bonnett | Aug 22, 2011 | Online Security
People use the internet mainly for three things – searching, sharing, and shopping. The advent of smartphones and social media these last few years has opened up a new activity: texting. This new world is where communication is happening is opening up new security. In...