Power LogOn Passes HHS/CDC Cyber Lab’s Security Evaluation

HHS CDC passes Power LogOn securityI’d like to tell you about a new secure password management and authentication solution that passed HHS/CDC cyber lab’s security evaluation to eliminate their employee managed password burdens.  It’s called Power LogOn® Government Edition. The cyber lab now has a multi-factor, IT centralized password manager for their existing PIV, CAC, or CIV credentials.

Here are a few of the specifications Power LogOn delivers:

  • Independent FIPS 140-2 verification
  • Secure, IT centralized password management and authentication
  • Every account can have up to a 500-character long unique password that can be changed as frequently as required without user involvement
  • Convenient for employees to log into multiple server, web and application accounts without them having to know or type the passwords
  • Scalable to fit any size department or agency, without a high cost of ownership
  • Compliments existing PIV credentials without re-badging or FIPS 201 re-certification
  • And a whole lot more

With Power LogOn Government Edition, the HHS IT team now implement very long complex passwords that are changed very frequently. All password changes are automatically pushed down to all users without their involvement or knowledge. Employees no longer have to generate, remember, type or even know any network, application or computer logon passwords. Power LogOn instantly integrates with existing PIV credentials without having to program or modify any file structures, thus avoiding any FIPS 201 re-certification issues.

Power LogOn is now ready and available on GSA Advantage for other government agencies and departments who struggle with the insecurity of employee generated and managed passwords.

To learn more about Power LogOn Government Edition and download our Capabilities Line Card please visit our webpage www.access-smart.com/gov.