“The Secure CEO” Book

How to Protect Your Computer Systems, Your Company, and Your Job

“The Secure CEO: How to Protect Your Computer Systems, Your Company, and Your Job” Packs Plain-English Security Solutions for Executives

The Secure CEO: Data security begins with network access authenticationViruses… hackers… malware… identity theft… security breaches… it’s enough to make any CEO’s head spin. In order to remain  competitive and profitable these days, it’s absolutely imperative that you—and  your organization—take control of your IT issues before they take control of  you!

In his new book The Secure CEO, Vital Systems Security Review expert Mike Foster combines  his considerable Internet technology experience with his innate understanding  of the latest business and security technologies. The result is The Secure CEO, the definitive IT  handbook for CEOs and key executives. And best of all, it’s written in easy-to-follow  “plain english” that readers can understand, regardless of their technological  background.

Foster’s premise is that although CEOs may think their networks and company  information are safe from prying eyes, more often than not they are not. In his  book Foster asks critical questions key executives need to consider, such as:

  • Are you sure  your network isn’t running illegal programs that have been remotely installed  by criminals in other countries without your knowledge?
  • Is your IT  team so under-trained or over-whelmed that daily “fires” keep them from  performing critical security tasks?
  • Are unclear  communication and negative personality types adversely affecting your IT  department?

The  Secure CEO gives you the bottom line answers you need to effectively  analyze your current use of Internet technology. Readers will uncover strategies  to minimize IT security breaches, tactics for keeping their companies safer,  and proven “best practices” to implement to help keep systems secure in the  future.

IT security has never been a more  important business concern. Get The Secure CEO and share its timely information with your entire IT team, key  managers, and other top executives. Cut through the confusion and intimidation  and harness the power of technology for your company’s advantage. The Secure CEO by Mike Foster will help  you protect your computer systems, your company, and your job!